Rosa’s Chante Assisted Living is conveniently located in an established, desirable residential community in East Tucson. This comfortable home is located near St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tucson Medical Center, Veteran’s Administration Clinics, and Banner Campus. Friends and families are always welcome at Rosa’s Chance. Residents that are able can accompany friends and family to shopping at nearby Park Place Mall or to local restaurants.
When the the time comes that your elder loved one, friend or family, can no longer live alone, regardless of their specific needs, you can count on Rosa’s Chante to provide the services you need. Led by Anthony Diaz, known for his Professionalism, Caring and Compassion for over 25 years, you can be assured that your loved one will receive only the finest and most comprehensive services available in any assisted living home in Tucson and Southern AZ. You might be an artist who would like to introduce yourself and your work here or maybe you’re a business with a mission to describe.